Sunday, December 5, 2010

Oh Darling Don't You Ever Grow Up

 I was sitting here listening to the new Taylor Swift CD and one of her songs had me in tears just thinking about my babies, it's called Never Grow Up, if you've never heard it I suggest you do! I just started dancing with Christian and realizing that some day Sienna and him are going to grow up and I never want that to happen! Some days when he doesn't sleep all night, I think to myself  "man I can't wait until he is old enough not to do this anymore" or when Sienna asks me to get her ramen noodles right when I'm in the middle of feeding Christian I think "oh I can't wait until they can both feed themselves" Sometimes I forget to cherish the little moments I get to have with them depending on me. They're lives are so simple, they've never had to go through heart ache or worry about bills and making sure they have enough money to pay for the months food, and I never want them to feel those worries. I just want them to stay little and enjoy every little moment with them. Just the other day Sienna was telling me she can't wait to grow up and I remember being young and feeling the same way (if only I knew what being grown up entitled :-)). Then I think about my mom, I bet she feels like she blinked and we were all the sudden all grown up, her youngest baby is about to be 21 and we all have kids of our own. She's had to sit there and try to guide us the best she could through our heart breaks and sorrows and I can't imagine how hard that must be! I never want Christian or Sienna to have their heart broken or to learn the hard way that there are many people out there that look trustworthy but really aren't. I'm not saying watching your children grow older is all bad because there have been amazing moments for my parents for sure, like when we get married and have kids of our own and all our many accomplishments along the way, it's just hard to think that someday someone or something is going to teach my children hard lessons and all I'll be able to do is be there for them. I'm going to try my hardest to take many pictures, love and cherish my children, and help them to stay as young as they can and to just enjoy their child hood. Just a little food for thought :-)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dear Sienna

Daddy and I love you so terribly much it hurts! You are growing so fast and you are so very very beautiful! You are in the 2nd grade already! You love to read (you take after me in that aspect), you love ramen noodles, jumping on the tramp, spending the night at grandma and grandpas, all your aunts and uncles, coloring, making scrap books with me, making puzzles, and writing poems. You have such a giant imagination and I love sneaking up on you and just watching you dance and sing away in your room when you think no one is watching. You hate it when Christian cries and do whatever is in your power to make sure it never happens, you love playing with him, and helping him learn new things. I feel so privileged to be able to call myself your mom, I love you my little princess!

Happy Halloween!!!

Christian's first Halloween!!!! And we get Sienna this year!!!! Could things be more perfect? I think not. Sienna is going to be a witch, I love her costume, I think I might have been a witch like 10 out of the 12 times I went trick or treating when I was a kid! Christian is going to be a puppy, we didn't want to spend a ton of money on his costume because he isn't really even going to be trick or treating, let's face it everyone just wants to ogle him in a cute costume so it's more for us anyhow! I love having children for Halloween because it means candy!!!! And they just look so darn adorable. I will take tons of pictures, Happy Halloween everyone! P.S. Christian HATES being in his costume, can you tell :-)

 I just threw in these last 2 pictures because he looks cute in his bear sweater

Picture Overload!!!!

We went to the pumpkin patch last week and had so much fun, I am so thankful for Sienna she is the best daughter a girl could ask for! She is so kind and thoughtful towards her little brother and she keeps him so entertained!

Dear Christian

Can you believe on Saturday you are going to be 7 months old?!?!?! I can't.... Time is flying by so fast and it makes me sad, feels like just yesterday I was bundling you up tight to bring you home from the hospital. You weigh 19 pounds and you're 26 inches long, such a big boy! Some things you love are, taking trips to Idaho to see family, spending time with grandparents, your big sister, Abby (the dog), eating (just about everything you can get your hands on, but mostly sweets), mommy rocking you to sleep, and everything that has to do with your daddy (he fascinates you so much). You are such an easy baby, you sleep through the night, and usually only cry when you're sleepy or hungry. I hope Sienna and you are as close when you get older as you are now, she just adores you and you her. You're seriously always smiling and I love nothing more than to make you laugh! There is not a single night that I don't thank God for blessing me with you! I love you my precious baby boy!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

This Time Last Year

On this day last year we found out I was pregnant with Christian! I took 3 pregnancy tests and even made Chris pee on one to make sure they were working correctly! We tried for 3 years to have a baby and God finally blessed me with you! It was the longest 37 weeks ever! Because of my previous pregnancy losses not a day went by where I didn't think of how quickly I could lose you and I always had a fear in the back of my mind that you wouldn't come out perfectly healthy, but on March 23rd you finally came and you were perfect in every single way. Daddy and I love you so much Christian you teach me more about myself and who I want to be everyday. I never knew I could love someone so tiny so much! You and your big sister are my world.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Little Country Bumpkin

The only thing he is missing is a straw hat and a corncob pipe :-)

Funny Little Stinker

So a couple weeks ago we bought Christian an excersaucer, which by the way was an awesome investment, and he loves it! There is a little yellow and blue bird that spins around on the saucer and Christian sits for atleast 15 minutes staring cross eyed at the bird with his little "O" face trying to figure out how to eat it! It is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I'm not sure what it is about the bird, I think it may be the colors but he sure loves it and he gets SO excited when he finally figures out how to eat it :-)
Trying to figure out how to attack the bird

Planning his attack strategy

I will get you bird!

Bwuahahahaha!!! Gotcha

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blessings, I have millions!

We had Christian's blessing on the 18th, I for some reason was a nervous wreck the night before, Chris however was so calm up until about 10 minutes before he blessed him :-) So many family and friends showed up it was such a good time! It was also Grandma Gail's birthday! What a special day!
He is so handsome

Next year it will be all about her special day!

I am such a proud mommy

My handsome men

My cute family

Happy Birthday Grandma Gail!

He is such a mommies boy!

Missing.... 2 front teeth!

Sienna has lost yet another tooth! That makes 4, pretty soon she will be toothless.

BFFs in Utah!

My two best friends Jessie and Amanda came down for the week, we had SO much fun! Amanda brought her daughter Hailey, Sienna and Hailey were the best of friends for the week.
We have been best friends for 12 years and I'd say we look as good as the day we met!

I have been through so much with these girls, words cannot describe how much they mean to me! I'm so happy they got to come down and meet Christian. We even discovered that Jessie has baby whispering skills

I can't wait to see them in 10 more days! I am taking Christian to Washington to see his nana for the first time and I will get to see them again. I am really nervous to take my 4 month old on a 3 week vacation but I can't wait for my nana to meet him and to see my mom, brother and friends! Wish me luck and I'll be posting pictures!