Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Christian's first Halloween!!!! And we get Sienna this year!!!! Could things be more perfect? I think not. Sienna is going to be a witch, I love her costume, I think I might have been a witch like 10 out of the 12 times I went trick or treating when I was a kid! Christian is going to be a puppy, we didn't want to spend a ton of money on his costume because he isn't really even going to be trick or treating, let's face it everyone just wants to ogle him in a cute costume so it's more for us anyhow! I love having children for Halloween because it means candy!!!! And they just look so darn adorable. I will take tons of pictures, Happy Halloween everyone! P.S. Christian HATES being in his costume, can you tell :-)

 I just threw in these last 2 pictures because he looks cute in his bear sweater