Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week 16

16 weeks

We had our 16 week doctors appointment today and all is well with baby Volkert! My doctor was out with the flu so I just got to go in and listen to babys heartbeat it was 150 beats per minutes, I was a little dissapointed because I wanted to see if we had time to get an ultrasound and maybe find out our babys sex but my doctor was out so we set an ultrasound date for November the 18th and we will find out the sex then. I am so anxious to learn the sex of the baby! I keep hoping that this 3 weeks will go by fast and I'm sure it will because it seems like before we knew it I was 16 weeks. I am feeling pretty euphoric at this point I can't believe that we are really going to be having a baby, 3 years in waiting I just keep thinking FINALLY. This baby is definetly my blessing and I am so in love. This week I have started to feel the baby "flutter" I guess the technical term for this is quickening, it's pretty amazing to know that our baby is really in there, and Chris can't wait to be able to feel the baby move too! My belly is finally starting to "pop" and I love it I swear I just sit for hours rubbing my belly and imagining the day in April when we finally get to meet our baby. I will write more in 3 weeks to let you know if we are having a Christian Douglas or an Alexandria Marie :-)