Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our mini vacation!

We had a somewhat nice trip to Utah, Chris' little brother and sister were sick so we didn't get to spend much time with them or his parents since we were trying very hard not to get me sicker than I already was... The Friday we left I started getting a really bad head cold which I am still not fully over. However I enjoyed my time with Sienna to no end and we got to go visit my nephew and neice in Idaho which I always enjoy! They are getting so big! Kaeden (my nephew) lost his first tooth! I can't wait until Sienna starts to lose her teeth, I always love the school pictures where the kids are missing their teeth.

Chris and I the day we left

Kaeden and I minus his front tooth :-)

My neice Amara is such a princess!

Sienna with the kitty my mommy made her

After our trip to Idaho and on our last night in Utah we finally got to spend time with our family! We all went on a ghost tour, which to my delight was very uneventful despite the fact that our large family was in it :-) The thought of seeing a ghost is exciting but if it actually ever happened I think I'd pee in my pants!

Ash and I (the flash was REALLY bright)

Kelly, Carolina, And Trevor

Frank, Gail, and Kelly :-)

My wonderful husband

Ash and I

The last part of our trip I briefly got to stop by and see my mommy in Ione Oregon. I love staying with her because she always cooks me whatever I want to eat and she is an amazing cook among other things!

My momma and me

Chris and I had such a busy 9 day trip that when we finally got home on Sunday I felt I would go to sleep and never wake up! I miss everyone so much already and I can't wait until we get to come home in November. Although we love Washington I miss Sienna like crazy and being with her for one week a month is just not enough time. Besides by the time we finally get back to Utah I will be halfway through my pregnancy and we will know the sex of the baby! My next appointment is next Wednesday, I can't wait! I live for my doctors appointments I swear :-)