Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dear Christian

It's amazing to say the least how very much the day you were born has changed my life forever. You are loved and cherished by so many people and it is so fun watching you grow. You turned 12 weeks old on Tuesday and these past couple of weeks you have been learning some fun new things. You have this amazing smile that shines all the way to your eyes and these ginormous dimples that melt my heart (and everyone elses) you laughed once last week but I can't for the life of me get you to do it again! You have started screaming at me when you want my attention, at this point I think it's cute but I'm sure by this time next month it will be driving me crazy. Your big sister is amazed by you, she loves blowing rasberries at you and watching you smile and try to do it back, she makes sure to give you hugs and kisses everynight before she goes to bed and I think when you cry it breaks her heart because she runs to you and does everything she can to cheer you up, sometimes she is the only person who can calm you down. Your daddy couldn't ask for anything more than having two beautiful children. He basks in his glory everytime someone tells us how much you look like him, which is often.....very often.... He loves to play with you and is so excited for the day that you will be able to go fishing with him. We love you more than words can say and we're so blessed to have you in our lives.


Anonymous said...

Blythe, as usual my computer is acting retarded...LOL. I wrote you a post, but for some reason it started out saying grammy...go figure..LOL. So just ignore the grammy part, okay?...LOL. Anyway, I love the saying that you posted to Christian. You should copy it and have it framed. It's absolutely beautiful!!!!!! Give Seinna & Christian big hugs & kisses from their Great Aunt Janet, okay? I hope to see ya'll soon and love ya' very much! Aunt Janet